The Icons dialog can be used to find or create icons for toolbars, menus, QM items and shortcuts.
Here you can find icons, assign them to menu items, etc.
Browse - open an icon file. You can select files and view their icons without closing the Open dialog. The small button shows menu of recent files. To add a file to the menu or move it to the top, select the file in the 'Open icon file' dialog and press OK.
Actions - shows menu of icon actions. Most actions use the current icon. The icon is displayed in the dialog, and its file name and index is in the title bar.
Set icon... - assign the icon to a menu/toolbar item, or to the current QM item, or to items of the same type as the current QM item, etc. For menu/toolbar items, inserts the icon file path into the editor text, in the line that contains the text cursor.
Reset - assign default icon.
Edit - open the icon in the icon editor at the right. If the icon is from a library (dll, exe, etc) or is not compatible (read below), opens it as new.
Edit in external editor - open the icon file in another program that is specified in Options -> Tools. If the icon is from a library, at first saves it to an ico file.
Save as ico file - if the icon is from a library, saves it to an ico file.
Copy path - store path of the icon to the clipboard.
Paste path - open icon file whose path is in the clipboard as text.
Set default save folder - choose a folder where Save As dialogs will start. It is not used by the Browse button.
Refresh icons - reload changed icons of QM items and common icons. To improve performance, icons are cached.
Imagelist Editor - creates imagelists that can be used with various controls in dialogs.
Here you can create simple icons for menus, toolbars and QM items.
When you create or edit an icon, click "Save" or "Save As". Then you can use the Actions menu to assign the icon to a menu item, etc. QM does not automatically save icons or prompt to save when closing the editor.
The editor saves icons to *.ico files that contain one small icon (16x16 pixels, 16 or 256 colors). Usually icon files contain two or more icons of various size and color count. To prevent overwriting such icons, the editor opens them as new.
Right click the grid to undo. Ctrl+left click to pick color.
Drag the preview icon to capture an icon or to move the image in the editor. Drag with Ctrl to capture-add. While capturing, you can see top-left pixel's color.
The eraser color will be transparent.
When drawing, you can keep the Color dialog open and use it as alternative palette.
In QM and later, you can set custom icons for QM items and item types. Also changed the way QM uses icons in menus, dialogs, etc.
In menus and toolbars: For items are used the same default icons that are displayed in QM. Also now you can set default icon for submenus.
ShowDialog, AddTrayIcon, MainWindow: As default icon is used the icon of the function or macro that started the thread. In exe - exe icon.
Paths of icons of QM items are saved in the QM file together with items. Paths of icons of QM item types are saved in the registry.