You can create items of these types:
Macros are
used to execute macro commands and functions. By default, only a single macro can run at a time.
Red tray icon indicates that a macro is running. You can stop it manually: press the Pause
QM 2.4.2. Added option 'If a macro is running, run simultaneously'. Read here.
can be called from code (from macros, functions etc). Functions also can be started
like macros (not called from code).
Macros and functions can contain the same code. The main difference between macros an functions is for what purposes they usually are used:
Default speed (spe) of functions and member functions is 0. Default speed of macros and items of other types is 100, and can be changed with RtOptions.
See also: sub-functions.
Member functions are functions that belong to a class. Same as functions, but are called differently. Cannot have a trigger or start a thread.
Pop-up menus
are used to launch macros, files, execute other commands.
are used to launch macros, files, execute other commands. Toolbars
can be associated with windows (run automatically when window appears, and disappear
when window closed), or free (once launched, exist all the time, on top of other
Autotext lists
(aka TS menus) are used to execute commands when you type certain text. Can be used for text replacement/autocomplete/autocorrect.
You can create folders to store items.
An item has a name, can have a trigger (an event that launches it), text (code) and several other properties.
To add new macro, click the 'New macro' button on the toolbar. To add item of any type, click the small arrow beside it and select from the menu. Or right click somewhere in the list and select from the New submenu. Then you can enter name in the small edit field in the list. To set trigger and other properties, use the Properties dialog (click the Properties button on the toolbar). To delete an item, right click it in the list of macros and click Delete in the menu, or click and press the Delete key.
QM 2.3.0. Added new item type - file link. File links are used to open text files in QM for viewing and editing. A file link is like a shortcut to the file. File contents is not stored in the QM file. When you delete or rename the item, it does not affect the file. To create a file link, drag and drop a file from Windows Explorer to the list of macros in QM. Or open the file with QM, for example drag&drop on QM icon. Or use newitem. An item of this type can have a trigger or can be launched using the Run button. However by default it does nothing. To run the file, or do something else with it, create a function that does it and assign trigger 'QM events -> file link run'.
QM 2.3.0. QM items can have custom icons.