To show this menu, you can use the menu bar or right click an item in the list of macros.
New (submenu) - create new QM item (macro, toolbar, etc) or folder.
Disable/Enable - disable or enable trigger. A disabled macro still can be started using the Run button, mac, from menus and toolbars. You can disable single item, folder or file. To disable in some programs, use the Properties dialog. See also dis.
Rename - rename the item. To rename multiple items, use the Find dialog.
Delete - move the item to the Deleted folder. By default, items in the folder disappear when closing file, but this can be changed in the Folder Properties dialog of the Deleted folder.
Properties, Folder properties - show the Properties dialog for the item.
Close - close the item. It will unload its text from the editor, clear its Undo history, free used memory and remove it from the 'Open items' list. Other ways: middle-click the item in this or some other list (Open items, Find results, etc).
Collapse folders - close all expanded folders.
Copy name, Copy path - copy QM item name or path to the clipboard.
Check - select the item for moving. It allows to move multiple items. Other way: right-drag.
Move checked - move checked items to the right-click place or to the selected item's place. Other way: drag and drop.
Clone - create new identical item. Other way: Ctrl + drag and drop.
Print - print the item.
Open / New File - open an existing or create new QM file.
Recent files (submenu) - open a recently used file.
Import - add items from another QM file to current file. Or add another file as a shared file.
Export - save the selected item or folder as another QM file.
Save now - save/apply changed text. Same as the Save button on the toolbar.
File properties - show the File Properties dialog.
Find item in files - show dialog 'Find QM item in other files'. In the specified folder finds all QM files containing a QM item with the specified name. Then you can open the files in the File Viewer. This is useful when you need previous versions of your macros, auto-saved in files in the backup folder. Searches only in files that currently are not open in QM. Does not search in subfolders. Item name can be full or with wildcard characters; if empty, shows all files.
Close window - hide QM window. Other way: click the X (Close) button.
Exit program - exit Quick Macros. Other ways: 1. The tray menu. 2. Ctrl+click the tray icon. 3. The System menu. 4. In a macro: shutdown -1.